Outdoor gear
outdoor gear
Here's the gear I have tried and found suitable for my needs. For example I used my backpack for a month in India and it could hold everything I needed in my travels. I've gone through many pairs of shoes and I always buy the same ones. They are great for my feet and my ankles and knees don't get tired, although the articular cartilage of my left knee has torn in two.
Osprey farpoint 40
I've used many backpacks over the years and this is the best one I've ever owned. It sits well and has a sturdy structure. This backpack has held everything I've needed on one month long travels to places such India, The Philippines and Egypt.
On Running Cloud X. The best shoes I have ever used. Breathable, lightweight and dampens the step very well. There's also a coretex version available, but I've fallen in love with the normal ones and currently I'm on my 4th pair of these. These have been my everyday shoes on all travels, whether It's the Lofoten Islands of Norway or the Philippine Islands.
Merrell Trail Glove 5. I usually wear these in the woods. They are very lightweight, so they also work well as backup shoes on longer journeys. They are at their best on SUP and kayaking trips.
Scholl Gel Activ Work gel insoles. Absorbs well the shock to the heels, knees and hips. My absolute favorite since 2015. These can be found in basically every pair of shoes I own.
Primus Lite XL -all-in-one camping stove. 1 liter. Many meals have been prepared with this during my travels and the integrated wind shield has made sure that the water starts boiling quickly even in strong wind. I have also used it to warm up water for washing myself when the mountain streams have been a bit too refreshing. The link has a newer version.